Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thoughtful quote for today from Jorge Casirimro

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do."
Confucious (551BC - 479 BC)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A bit of history about Jorge Casimiro

In 1996, former President George H.W. Bush presented Mr. Casimiro with perhaps his finest honor - the "United States Hispanic Businessman of the Year" Region III award bestowed by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Also been listed in Hispanic Business magazine's "Top 100 Fastest Growing Hispanic Owned Businesses” since 1994 and "The 500 Directory of the Nation's Largest Hispanic Owned corporations."

Not bad at all!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another quote of the day by Zig Ziglar

“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”
Zig Ziglar

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Quote for February 17

“The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.”

Zig Ziglar

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Quote for February 16

"The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and hold them in the right scale of values."
Norman Thomas

Friday, February 15, 2008

Jorge Casimiro's selected quote for today

"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander."
Abraham Lincoln

I have always stood behind my products and have and will repaire problems, but I will not suffer extortion from someone who will not let me examine the problem and be able to create a solution for repair.

"Slander is the revenge of a coward, and dissimulation his defense."

Monday, February 11, 2008

Now is the time

Perhaps now is the time to reply to a few of the remarks being made about Mr. Casimiro on certain message boards, blogs, and open edit web site communities.

These comments are nothing more than another volley in a years-long dispute between various parties, including Mr. Casimiro, that have been dragged through courts and mediated arbitrations and continue to this day. Many of these entries are made in bad faith and are written or posted by people who merely wish to join a band wagon to bad mouth someone. They are usually clueless to the facts, but accept one person’s version of history of the events. They are never given all the facts nor do they bother to research them.

It is much easier to join a crowd and shout “Discredit!” than it is to unearth the true story.

Here we have laid out the “claims” made on these sites and blogs and then detailed as to why they should be ignored, the truth given, not the lies.

In August 2005, Mother Jones exposed Casimiro's business dealings in a 12 page article "Home Sour Home."

This claim says that the Mother Jones article exposed his business dealings in a 12 page article. However, if you actually read the article, it has more to do about one person’s complaints against the “construction-industrial complex” and Texas law requiring arbitration and uses a company my father used to direct as an example. In fact, he is not even quoted in the article. To say that the article “exposed Casimiro’s business dealings in a 12 page article” is quite misleading.

Casimiro was the topic June 12, 2007 in Washington D.C. at the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law “Mandatory Binding Arbitration Agreements: Are They Fair For Consumers?” where Jordan Fogal, "The Lemon Lady" testified against Mr. Casimiro.

An outright exaggeration. Jorge Casimiro was not the topic of this Subcommittee meeting, the concept of arbitration was the topic. Moreover, in the entire testimony totaling almost 6,700 words, Jorge Casimiro is mentioned only once. Further, to say she testified “against Mr. Casimiro” is misleading, she testified against the use of binding arbitration agreements.

In July of 2004, Harris County Judge Robert Eckels appointed Houston-based University Development Inc. CEO Jorge Luis Casimiro to serve on the Harris County Housing Authority which he served on through 2007.

This claim is true.

“The reason for his departure from this board is unknown.”

Cited several times yet this claim have validation. Further, it connotes that there was something afoul with his exit from the Harris County Housing Authority. In fact, he left the Board when his three-year term expired.

Certain persons, repeatedly, copy/paste the same viciousness on open edit sites and communities, message boards, and blogs. No changes, no thoughts, no additional information. Perhaps it is a new type spam bot, sent out, not to create links for Viagra and Cialis, but to bolster the delusions of certain individuals bent on extortion and emotional blackmail.